by NurseHive | Oct 2, 2020 | All, Life Experience, Student
Let’s state the obvious: Nursing school isn’t easy. And sometimes there’s an Oh S#!% moment where you have no idea what’s going on, don’t know what to do and think everyone is going to know. Sometimes that feeling is ongoing and you feel like a phony trying to fake it...
by NurseHive | Sep 29, 2020 | All, Community, Life Experience
Throughout the COVID-19 crises, we’ve seen disparities in readiness and responses among states and hospitals. Some hospitals geared up to only get a trickle of COVID-19 cases. Others were woefully unprepared for a flood of infected patients. Some have adequate...
by NurseHive | Sep 25, 2020 | All, Career, Inspiration
Think nursing is all making rounds at the hospital or working at a family practice? If you want a nursing job that’s off the beaten path, there are lots of interesting options to choose from. Whether you want to travel, do work that’s more tech-related and...
by NurseHive | Sep 22, 2020 | All, Career, Inspiration
So you’re thinking about going into nursing. Maybe you’ve heard that nursing pays pretty well, has flexible hours and is a respected profession that is in demand. All of those things are true. It’s also true that nurses can work long hours, endure job stress, burnout...
by NurseHive | Sep 18, 2020 | All, How-to, Life Experience
A lot of people have the misconception that nurses and healthcare workers must get sick all the time. I mean, you’re touching, get touched by and breathed (or coughed) on by sick people daily. Your workplace is teeming will all kinds of viruses, bacteria and disease....
by NurseHive | Sep 15, 2020 | All, Life Experience, Student
There’s only two reasons you’re reading this article: You’re thinking about going into nursing, looking at the difficult sounding course load that includes subjects like Anatomy & Physiology, Pharmacology and Pathophysiology and thinking “Holy CRAP!!” You’ve just...